Stormwater management measures on the Canadian Port of Entry (POE) for the Gordie Howe International Bridge include the construction of four stormwater management ponds and changes to two existing municipal drains. A stormwater management pond is a man-made basin designed to collect and retain rainfall runoff.
WDBA’s Early Works contractor will construct two ponds while the other two will be constructed at a later date. Each pond will be excavated from a gradual slope at grade to approximately two metres or six feet at its deepest point and will be lined with compacted clay. The two ponds combined will hold up to 13 million litres of stormwater, roughly the same volume of water as five Olympic-sized swimming pools. One pond will be 100 metres long and 30 metres wide and the other will be 175 metres long and 30 metres wide.
Two existing municipal drains are located on or near the site of the Canadian POE. The Healy Drain lies directly within the Canadian POE footprint and will be filled and abandoned. The Broadway Drain is adjacent to the POE and runs along Broadway Street. This drain will be reconstructed to accommodate future needs including conveyance of a 100-year storm to safely drain water from the POE and surrounding lands to the Detroit River. A portion of the Broadway Drain closest to the Detroit River will also be reconstructed to provide improved fish habitat and shelter for species at risk snakes, such as the Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake.
Proper stormwater management measures such as these ponds and drains will help maintain the ecological integrity, quality and quantity of water resources near the Detroit River.
Excavation of one of the stormwater management ponds